soco.music_library module

Access to the Music Library.

The Music Library is the collection of music stored on your local network. For access to third party music streaming services, see the music_service module.

class soco.music_library.MusicLibrary(soco=None)[source]

The Music Library.

Parameters:soco (SoCo, optional) – A SoCo instance to query for music library information. If None, or not supplied, a random SoCo instance will be used.
get_artists(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method for get_music_library_information with search_type='artists'. For details of other arguments, see that method.

get_album_artists(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method for get_music_library_information with search_type='album_artists'. For details of other arguments, see that method.

get_albums(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method for get_music_library_information with search_type='albums'. For details of other arguments, see that method.

get_genres(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method for get_music_library_information with search_type='genres'. For details of other arguments, see that method.

get_composers(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method for get_music_library_information with search_type='composers'. For details of other arguments, see that method.

get_tracks(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method for get_music_library_information with search_type='tracks'. For details of other arguments, see that method.

get_playlists(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method for get_music_library_information with search_type='playlists'. For details of other arguments, see that method.


The playlists that are referred to here are the playlists imported from the music library, they are not the Sonos playlists.

get_music_library_information(search_type, start=0, max_items=100, full_album_art_uri=False, search_term=None, subcategories=None, complete_result=False)[source]

Retrieve music information objects from the music library.

This method is the main method to get music information items, like e.g. tracks, albums etc., from the music library with. It can be used in a few different ways:

The search_term argument performs a fuzzy search on that string in the results, so e.g calling:

get_music_library_information('artists', search_term='Metallica')

will perform a fuzzy search for the term ‘Metallica’ among all the artists.

Using the subcategories argument, will jump directly into that subcategory of the search and return results from there. So. e.g knowing that among the artist is one called ‘Metallica’, calling:


will jump directly into the ‘Metallica’ sub category and return the albums associated with Metallica and:

                              subcategories=['Metallica', 'Black'])

will return the tracks of the album ‘Black’ by the artist ‘Metallica’. The order of sub category types is: Genres->Artists->Albums->Tracks. It is also possible to combine the two, to perform a fuzzy search in a sub category.

The start, max_items and complete_result arguments all have to do with paging of the results. By default the searches are always paged, because there is a limit to how many items we can get at a time. This paging is exposed to the user with the start and max_items arguments. So calling:

get_music_library_information('artists', start=0, max_items=100)
get_music_library_information('artists', start=100, max_items=100)

will get the first and next 100 items, respectively. It is also possible to ask for all the elements at once:

get_music_library_information('artists', complete_result=True)

This will perform the paging internally and simply return all the items.

  • search_type (str) – The kind of information to retrieve. Can be one of: 'artists', 'album_artists', 'albums', 'genres', 'composers', 'tracks', 'share', 'sonos_playlists', or 'playlists', where playlists are the imported playlists from the music library.
  • start (int, optional) – starting number of returned matches (zero based). Default 0.
  • max_items (int, optional) – Maximum number of returned matches. Default 100.
  • full_album_art_uri (bool) – whether the album art URI should be absolute (i.e. including the IP address). Default False.
  • search_term (str, optional) – a string that will be used to perform a fuzzy search among the search results. If used in combination with subcategories, the fuzzy search will be performed in the subcategory.
  • subcategories (str, optional) – A list of strings that indicate one or more subcategories to dive into.
  • complete_result (bool) – if True, will disable paging (ignore start and max_items) and return all results for the search.


Getting e.g. all the tracks in a large collection might take some time.

Returns:an instance of SearchResult.
Return type:SearchResult


  • The maximum numer of results may be restricted by the unit, presumably due to transfer size consideration, so check the returned number against that requested.
  • The playlists that are returned with the 'playlists' search, are the playlists imported from the music library, they are not the Sonos playlists.
Raises:SoCoException upon errors.
browse(ml_item=None, start=0, max_items=100, full_album_art_uri=False, search_term=None, subcategories=None)[source]

Browse (get sub-elements from) a music library item.

  • ml_item (DidlItem) – the item to browse, if left out or None, items at the root level will be searched.
  • start (int) – the starting index of the results.
  • max_items (int) – the maximum number of items to return.
  • full_album_art_uri (bool) – whether the album art URI should be fully qualified with the relevant IP address.
  • search_term (str) – A string that will be used to perform a fuzzy search among the search results. If used in combination with subcategories, the fuzzy search will be performed on the subcategory. Note: Searching will not work if ml_item is None.
  • subcategories (list) – A list of strings that indicate one or more subcategories to descend into. Note: Providing sub categories will not work if ml_item is None.

A SearchResult instance.

  • AttributeError – if ml_item has no item_id attribute.
  • SoCoUPnPException – with error_code='701' if the item cannot be browsed.
browse_by_idstring(search_type, idstring, start=0, max_items=100, full_album_art_uri=False)[source]

Browse (get sub-elements from) a given music library item, specified by a string.

  • search_type (str) – The kind of information to retrieve. Can be one of: 'artists', 'album_artists', 'albums', 'genres', 'composers', 'tracks', 'share', 'sonos_playlists', and 'playlists', where playlists are the imported file based playlists from the music library.
  • idstring (str) – a term to search for.
  • start (int) – starting number of returned matches. Default 0.
  • max_items (int) – Maximum number of returned matches. Default 100.
  • full_album_art_uri (bool) – whether the album art URI should be absolute (i.e. including the IP address). Default False.

a SearchResult instance.

Return type:



The maximum numer of results may be restricted by the unit, presumably due to transfer size consideration, so check the returned number against that requested.


bool – whether the music library is in the process of being updated.


Start an update of the music library.

Parameters:album_artist_display_option (str) – a value for the album artist compilation setting (see album_artist_display_option).
search_track(artist, album=None, track=None, full_album_art_uri=False)[source]

Search for an artist, an artist’s albums, or specific track.

  • artist (str) – an artist’s name.
  • album (str, optional) – an album name. Default None.
  • track (str, optional) – a track name. Default None.
  • full_album_art_uri (bool) – whether the album art URI should be absolute (i.e. including the IP address). Default False.

A SearchResult instance.

get_albums_for_artist(artist, full_album_art_uri=False)[source]

Get an artist’s albums.

  • artist (str) – an artist’s name.
  • full_album_art_uri – whether the album art URI should be absolute (i.e. including the IP address). Default False.

A SearchResult instance.

get_tracks_for_album(artist, album, full_album_art_uri=False)[source]

Get the tracks of an artist’s album.

  • artist (str) – an artist’s name.
  • album (str) – an album name.
  • full_album_art_uri – whether the album art URI should be absolute (i.e. including the IP address). Default False.

A SearchResult instance.


str – The current value of the album artist compilation setting.

Possible values are:

  • 'WMP' - use Album Artists
  • 'ITUNES' - use iTunes® Compilations
  • 'NONE' - do not group compilations

See also

The Sonos FAQ on compilation albums.

To change the current setting, call start_library_update and pass the new setting.